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The artistic program curated by Kristina Lindemann. during the exhibition Experiment Stockholm at Färgfabriken in Stockholm (Sept 23 – Nov 29, 2015) consisted of single day events on the water. Like a reflection in the water, the outdoor events, in turn, were be visualized or contextualized indoors at Färgfabriken, too.

The art program grew and floated along as the exhibition took its course. It was an open frame for invited artists to discuss, visualize or reformulate their current practice. It also was an invitation to the audience to engage with lectures and exhibitions in a dynamic manner, given the spatial prerequisites.

The participant artists and art institutions were selected on the basis of an ideological kinship with Maretopia. Some have an interest for an eco-conscious approach. Other times a flexible structure and approach to space was a decisive element. Others again have worked with water, relating to questions of utopia, nomadism, travel, home, housing conditions, living, dreams, streams, waves, movement and moving, disappearing, resurfacing.

Looking back, the program can be seen as a backdrop to reflect on the role of flexible art spaces such as Maretopia as well as the creative impact new spatial solutions have. On the water, questions on the accessibility and connectability of spaces become acute. Who can be seen were and why? How do we deal with arguments, structures, boundaries and concepts when things are in movement?

How does ideological thinking affect our way of collecting data? How do we get under a given surface? Can we move our position within a given framework? Can we stretch the structures?


Carl Oskar Linné - "Som framgått av den här sammanfattningen ger utredningen inte svar på alla frågor. Det är å andra sidan kanske inte speciellt överraskande.” (2015)

(As shown in this summary the inquiry does not answer all questions. On the other hand this might not be very surprising.)

Friday, November 13, 2015

Installation of new work in exhibition

Isabel Löfgren & Peter Lang - Experiencing Sites in Movement

Presentation of Ö-A Möbius Trip (Isabel Löfgren) & Stalker walks (Peter Lang)

Wednesday, November 11, 2015



Jonas Esteban Isfält - Scanning Territory: On Glitch, Green Screen and Watercolor Painting

Presentation of ongoing project

Friday, October 30, 2015


Art Lab Gnesta - Swamp Storytelling Research

Project presentation and talk

Tuesday, October 27, 2015



Konsthall 323 - A conversation about mobility, neighbourhood and living by the water

Presentation and Artist talk

Friday, October 23, 2015

Konsthall 323 is run by Frida Krohn and Ylva Trapp


Love Enqvist - A name for the one who doesn’t move

A performative presentation and twilight journey

Friday, October 16, 2015


Era Isabel and Sara Hedberg - Inauguration Ritual of Maretopia

Performance during Vernissage of Experiment Stockholm

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


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