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A project by Interior Architecture student

Cecilia Margareta Tjärnberg

This is the result of a project that explored structures for carrying plants on water for the purpose of improving water quality and improving the conditions for fish and other wildlife.

The focus has been devoted to develop a strong basic skeleton, that can carry itself on water with a medium current, using as little plastic materials as possible for environmental reasons. The aim has been to design a structure that can be easy to replicate using only hand tools, so to make it attractive to build for anyone exited to strive for improvement of lokal ecology.

One can argue that floating wetlands are to be installed for aesthetic reasons but I believe there might be stronger reasons to do so.
All plants were bought from Veg Tech AB.
Plants which have been used in this project are a.o.:

Iris pseudacorus
Lythrum salicaria
Phragmites australis
Filipendula ulmaria
Schoenoplectus lacustris
Typha angustifolia
Caltha palustris
Carex pseudocyperus

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